速報APP / 藝術與設計 / Quick Easy Text Messages

Quick Easy Text Messages



檔案大小:3.4 MB


版本需求:系統需求:iOS 10.0 或以後版本。相容裝置:iPhone、iPad、iPod touch。


Quick Easy Text Messages(圖1)-速報App

145 Colour coded stickers text bubble (light and dark mode compatible) so you don't feel lost when scrolling through your options.

Colour coded as below:

• Green - Daily Greetings / Salutation

• Grey - Response

• Yellow - Thank you / Gratitude / Thanksgiving

• Royal Blue - Get well

• Green Pastel - Motivational / Inspiration / Quote

• Red - Love

Quick Easy Text Messages(圖2)-速報App

• Orange - Positive Expression

• Purple - Invitation

• Navy Blue - Decline

• Light Blue - Accept

Make your text message more personal today, with this iMessage Stickers pack. This stickers pack comes with the daily commonly use messages, from greetings to love messages, to short motivational, inspirational and encouraging notes. Chat with your friends and family with this big collection of phrases. They are easy to use, just drag and drop, when you are busy or in a hurry and your friends, family members or partner need your comfort, simply scroll through the options and send a quick heartwarming short message, wish them good, it will mean a world to them. Right communication is the best way to build a relationship, friendship and all that, why not start with something small and beautiful to start the conversation. Have fun with these colourful artistic words text messages, use them daily!



Open any message you have and at the bottom of the screen, you will see the buttons of your app list out. If you saw this app, please tap on it and the stickers collection will show up, if not, please slide to the left to find this app.

Quick Easy Text Messages(圖3)-速報App


● Tap the sticker you want, or DRAG & DROP into your message.

● You can scale & rotate stickers by using a second finger before you place it on a bubble.

We would love to hear from you & appreciate your suggestions. Feel free to send them to yenty.jap@gmail.com

Our official website can be view at www.easterncloud.co

To view other stickers packs by this developer, please click the name “Yenty Jap” above.

For new product releases and updates, connect with us at:

Instagram @Easterncloud.co

Quick Easy Text Messages(圖4)-速報App


Twitter @EasternCloudCo

Quick Easy Text Messages(圖5)-速報App

支援平台:iPhone, iPad